Scholarships Available!

Scholarships available, please contact Sparkle Lindsay 719-297-1807 for details!


Don’t Go Backwards, Pay It Forward

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CCAR© Recovery Coaching in the Emergency Department

CCAR© Recovery Coaching in the Emergency Department prepares participants for the challenging and rewarding role of a Recovery Coach in the Emergency Department.

Participants of Emergency Department training will:

  • Describe the roles and functions of the Recovery Coach working in the Emergency Department.
  • Understand and practice staying in your lane.
  • Develop skills to advocate and educate staff, patients, etc. as a way to demonstrate accountability within the role.
  • Use of Motivational Interviewing (MI) to bring people through the Stages of Change into Recovery.
  • Further develop your art of Recovery Coaching

Please note: All training program sales are final. Make up times available as necessary for missed classes.

Price: $500.00

Only $175 for a limited time with a 50% off scholarship code. Call us today for more information!


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